pp108 : Adding a New Process Filter

Adding a New Process Filter

This topic describes the procedure to add a new process filter.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the Process Administrator role in Process Platform Business Process Engine application package to add a new selection filter.

You can add new process filters to filter process instances in the Process Instance Manager (PIM) when the existing filters are inadequate or if a new filter is to be defined.

  1. In My Applications App Palette, click (Process Instance Manager). The Process Instance Manager window appears.
  2. Click (Options) menu and select Manage Process Filters. The Process Filters window appears displaying a list view of all saved process filters.
  3. Click on the toolbar. The Create Process Filter window appears.
  4. In the Select by Business Process Name groupbox, click . The Select Business Process dialog appears.
  5. Select a business process from the Select Business Process dialog.
  6. Specify the criteria to filter the process instances from the Select by Activity in Process, Select by Instance Properties and Select by Process Identifier.
  7. Click Save as to save it as a new selection.
  8. Click Reset to revert to the predefined selection criteria.
  9. Select the Set as user default check box to use this selection as the default selection criteria.
  10. Click OK.

    The selected criteria is added to the Process Filters list.

Related reference

Filter Process Instances Interface